Please contact the admin email as seen below and fill out a registration of interest form. Alternatively, you can send us a message on Facebook. Somebody will respond shortly about trialling the club to see whether it is the right fit for you before you are asked to pay membership fees.

Our email is: admin@fairwater-runners-cwmbran.org.uk

The club meets on a Tuesday and Thursday at Cwmbran stadium. Sessions are usually finished by 8pm.

Yes! There is a big carpark at Cwmbran stadium with plenty of spaces.

No, we try our very best to cater for lots of different abilities. On a speed session, the total distance we cover is usually between 4-5 miles.

On Tuesdays, the session is either a hill session or a sprint training/speed session. To get to the correct location for this training, we usually do a mile or so to warm up from the stadium and then either some stretches or drills (if the weather is good!).
On Thursdays, it is usually a longer run of around 5-8 miles. There will be cut off points along the route if you want to complete a shorter run that day.
Routes are posted within the club facebook group which you will have access to once you have officially signed up as a member.

It costs £42 to join the club as a member for the year. This money covers the following:
• Welsh athletics affiliation, including subsidised race fees.
• 5 free GLCL cross country races.
• 5 free GLCL road races.
• 5 free cross country races with Gwent Cross Country League.
• Club training sessions on a Tuesday and Thursday run by qualified coaches and run leaders.
• Free Hi Viz running bib.
• Subsidised club running vest.

Yes, we do! We have an instragram account and a facebook account. Just search for ‘Fairwater Runners Cwmbran’ and you will find us.

© Fairwater Runners Cwmbran